Monday, July 4, 2011

The tiny duchy of Monaco lies on the French Riviera between Menton and Nice. Its mood and elegance attract tourists, millionaires, ship owners, sportsmen, film and popstars. The casino of Monte Carlo, which was engineered in 1862 by the architect of the Paris Opera, Garnier, is the most famous of its kind in the whole world. The Formula 1 race, when the narrow streets of the city are turned into a racetrack, is also a large event. Among other things, circus and opera festivals, art exhibitions, football matches and tennis tournaments await visitors. The Oceanographic Museum, founded by Prince Albert I and at a time led by Cousteau, is the world's largest such institute. In the Jardin Exotique, visitors may see tropical plants, cactuses and pine trees. The guards parade in front of the palace in snow-white uniforms. The buildings of the old city reflect a Renessaince charm and a zest for life. The sea is dark blue in the arms of the large rocks, while in the docks of La Condamine, white luxury yachts are floating on the water.