Machinima Today: 6/29/10 (Machinima News/Videos/Directors' Spotlight) S01E99

Monday, February 28, 2011 Click here to watch Machinima Directors' Spotlight 6/27/10! Machinima Today: 6/29/10 (Machinima News/Videos/Directors' Spotlight) S01E99 Hey yo, and welcome to Machinima Today for Tuesday, June 29th. It was three years ago today that we were all graced with the greatest technological achievement since the wheel. Yes, today is the iPhone's birthday, and it seems just like yesterday that I was waiting in line. Wait, I actually think I was...Papa needs his iPhone 4. Enough Apple's video time! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima Inside Gaming Machinima Respawn Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: TAGS: Machinima Today MT MachinimaToday news videos directors spotlight all your history dice ETC ICP insane clown posse versus E3 2010 Top 10 MW2 Thrown Out Fallout Generic Disappointing Sequel yt:quality=high

Baseball Parent - Make Your Kid a Major League MVP

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I know that the title got your attention. Everyone knows and respects the Major League Baseball players like Derek Jeter, Albert Pujols, Alex Rodriguez and Manny Ramirez. Many parents dream of having their little league player growing up to play college baseball, becoming a college all-American, going to Omaha and play in the College World Series, being drafted in the 1st round of the MLB draft, signing for a 2.5 million dollar signing bonus, being voted to the MLB All-star team, going 3 for 4 in the All-Star Game, having their team win the pennant, wining the league championship, playing in the MLB World Series, leading MLB in RBI, Homeruns, Stolen Bases, Pitching Wins and also being selected as the Cy Young award winner, being named MVP of the MLB World Series, signing a deal with Nike Shoe for 2 million a year to endorse their new line of baseball shoes, and finally getting voted into Cooperstown Hall of Fame on his first vote.  That is the ultimate dream of a baseball parent. But, do you know and realize how small the actual percentage is of little league baseball parents that ever see that dream come true? Now, I need to get to the point. Just helping your kid become a solid little league player that loves and enjoys the game of baseball should be the goal of every baseball parent. Here I discuss what I feel are the major requirements for big time baseball success at every level.

Odds are stacked against the little league baseball player and the youth baseball player when it comes to playing college and major league baseball. Less than 1 out every 15 kids playing little league and youth baseball ever make their high school baseball's varsity team. It is a known fact that less than 10.1 percent of all high school varsity baseball players go on to play college baseball. That figure includes both scholarship and walk-on players. Just 1 out of every 936 high school players is drafted to Pro Baseball each year. What all of this adds up to is this statement that says it all. Less than 1 out of every 15,000 little league or youth baseball players ever make a MLB baseball team. In, fact the percentage may be much lower when you consider the fact that less than 20,000 players have played MLB baseball in its 130+ year history. Chances are good, if your child is playing Little League, Dixie Youth, Babe Ruth or Cal Ripkin baseball, you are expecting your child to try out for the high school baseball team one day. What does it take to make the high school team? The main three things are body build, playing skill, and pure luck.  


I know that many of you are saying "Body Build" is not very important in baseball. I know and realize that size and height are less important in baseball than basketball and football. You do not have to block or tackle to play baseball. Baseball is not a game played in the rafters of a gym. But, "Body Build" is not all about body size to me. When I talk about "Body build", I mean more than height and size. Body build to me includes all of the results of a player's work and training to build strength, stamina, endurance, power and speed. The players that dominate at each level are the ones that have the dominate bat speed, dominate pitch velocity, and the faster feet.   


The next important key to becoming a great high school, college or major league baseball player is playing skill development. If you are going to get to the next level, you have got to learn to play the game! Personal instruction by a baseball hitting coach, baseball pitching coach, and great baseball instruction and teaching of baseball fundamentals, early in youth baseball, are so important to baseball skill building. Many advanced players today rely on baseball indoor hitting facilities, year round baseball training and travel baseball that's played all year. These things help, but the main thing is for a player and his parent to take an interest in the game and become students of the game. You have got to do your baseball homework if you are going to maximize baseball skill development. Baseball homework is that extra work you do in the off-season and at home year round. Your baseball homework many include a backyard pitching mound, a backyard batting cage, baseball training equipment, or one-on-one training with a baseball instructor.  


Many people do not believe in luck. They say luck has nothing to do with winning or success. They say luck is made in practice time. Many others have a different opinion, they say that it is better to be lucky than to be good. I have a different attitude toward luck. I know that we are all lucky to get a chance to grow up in such a great country and to play such a great game as baseball, but I am talking about a different kind of luck a player must have to succeed in baseball. A player must be lucky and get top quality coaching early in life! Fate is a better word for what I am talking about. It is good luck that a player gets chosen on a little league team with a coach that takes special interest in a player and dedicates a great amount of time and energy in making that player better. It is good luck for a youth player to have a parent or coach that knows how to motivate and inspire that kid to keep working and practicing to get better.  Players are extremely lucky to have the right inspiration and instruction during their childhood playing days. The coach they have may be a streak of good or bad luck depending on the attitude and competence level of the coach.  Getting the right coach is a great stroke of luck!   Yes, I believe body build, playing skill and luck are the 3 keys to high school baseball success. Good luck to your child and his or her team. Happy Hitting, Coach Nick.

Top 10 Funniest Games Ever!

Saturday, February 26, 2011 Click here to watch the previous episode of Ten FTW! Ten FTW: Top 10 Funniest Games Ever! S02E111 Cue the laugh track as Steve and Larson countdown the ten funniest video games EVER. Want more funny? Then like Steve and Larson on Facebook at or follow them on Twitter at - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima Inside Gaming Machinima Respawn Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: TAGS: Ten FTW TFTW Top 10 Steve Larson yt:quality Simpsons road rage burns homer doh bart castlecrashers Call Duty Black Ops Zombie Mode COD Earthworm Jim Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Portal Monkey Island Fable II Tim Schaffer Library Brutal Legend Full Throttle Brutal Legend

Racket Review - Head Youtek Radical MP & Pro

Friday, February 25, 2011 http Today we're review two tennis rackets -- the Head Youtek Radical Mid Plus (MP) and the Head Youtek Radical Pro. These rackets are good for intermediates and up. Andy Murray uses the Radical Pro. These Radical rackets use a technology called Youtek, which causes the racket to get stiffer the harder you hit the ball. Stiffer frames allow you to hit harder, so when you're trying to rip the ball this technology gives you a little extra help. If you're interested in demoing either the Head Radical Mid Plus or the Head Radical Pro for free, visit

The Invention of the Modern Football

Thursday, February 24, 2011


The football has been around for centuries; it dates back to prehistoric times. Prior to the 19th century, footballs were nothing more than animal bladders, usually pigs'. Though they were covered with leather to make them last longer, they were, most of the time, irregular. In 1836, however, Charles Goodyear patented vulcanized rubber. This was the first step in modern football.

In 1855, for the first time ever, Goodyear's vulcanized rubber was applied to the football. In 1862, one of the first inflatable rubber bladders for balls was developed by H.J. Lindon. In 1872, the football was mentioned in the actual rule book for the first time ever. Even in these rules, however, some differences were acceptable. For example, "...the ball must be spherical with an outer casing of leather or other approved materials. The circumference shall not be more than 28 in., nor less than 27 in, while the weight at the start of the game must not be more that 16 oz., nor less than 14 oz." (The Encyclopedia of Association Football, first published in England in 1956.)

In the 1900s, balls had stronger rubber bladders, which could withstand a lot of pressure. This made them easy to kick and easier to bounce. However, because the leather absorbed water, it was very difficult to head them, especially when it rained. Also, because of the way the stitching was done, and because of the undependability of the bladders, the balls had to be re-inflated quite a bit, even during games.

It took a while, but in 1960, the first completely synthetic football was manufactured. Still, it wasn't until 1980 that the synthetic ball completely replaced the leather ball. Today, a leather ball is very rare and extremely unusual, and we are more than happy with our synthetic footballs.

The Racist Strike - Albert Pujols, Stan Musial and Jackie Robinson's Contract

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In honor of last year's Major League Baseball All Star Game in St. Louis, Missouri, home of the St. Louis Cardinals, I thought I'd tell the tale of one of the most famous contracts of all time, Jackie Robinson's signing by the Brooklyn Dodgers to break the baseball color barrier, and the Cardinal players' planned strike that never happened, a phantom from another era.

Over the broad expanse of a crimson hood, the two hallowed outfielders smiled for photographers on Opening Day of the 2009 season. Smiles on their faces, they rode a red car through the bowels of Busch Stadium and out into the light of the field's open air, waving to fans and chatting with each other as they basked in applause and each other's reflected glory.

Who knew this day would be possible many decades ago? It may have been hard to envision for Stan Musial, the greatest Cardinal hitter of all time, who played for the mighty Cardinals of the early 1940s, a team made up of white players, in a league full of whites, without a single black or brown skinned player to sully the supremacist ideals of the time. But today, on this Opening Day, Musial, the white skinned Pennsylvanian, rides in the car next to Albert Pujols, a brown Dominican, and the greatest Cardinal hitter since Musial. Pujols is so great that he may actually be better than Musial, as Cardinals aficionados will no doubt debate endlessly in the years to come when Pujols amasses more hits and honors in our grand expected future imaginings. But, for now, forget about the unknown future, for this day, today, provides a future we already know, a future we can surprisingly see from the strained past of 1947.

What do we see? We see Musial and Pujols smiling at each other, mugging for the cameras, praising each other's hitting prowess, Pujols querying Musial for tips on batting, Musial cracking jokes in response, as beloved as ever to the Cardinals patrons, forever their Stan "The Man." Pujols maintains such respect for Musial that he rejects the nickname, "El Hombre" (Spanish for "the man"), which the St. Louis scribes bestowed on him, saying that there is only one man, Stan Musial, and the press should not refer to any other with that appellation.

Seeing this respect, this torch, handed down from the 1947 generation to the 2009 one, must be an inspiring sight to behold from 1947 eyes. Branch Rickey, general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, had signed Jackie Robinson, who in that year took over second base and, more importantly, became the first black player in Major League Baseball. Many writers have detailed the numerous death threats, curses, slights and horrific indignities faced by Robinson, and James Giglio offers an account of the Cardinal reaction in the biography, "Musial: From Stash to Stan the Man."

Giglio called 1947 "A Troubling Year." And the troubles were many. Dixie Walker, Robinson's Dodger teammate, led the vitriol among his fellow southern players within the Dodger clubhouse. When the Dodger's star shortstop, Kentuckian Pee Wee Reese, defied this confederation by befriending Robinson, Walker's support whittled away. However, Walker knew players on other teams who felt the same. Chicago Cub starting pitchers were directed to knock Robinson down. Alabaman Ben Chapman, manager of the Phillies, encouraged his players to bean Robinson with pitches and spike him on the basepaths. It's important to note that not all southerners were unfair to Robinson, though, who recalled that Cardinals second baseman and South Carolinian Marty Marion "was always nice to me."

Many teams even considered voting as to whether or not they would be willing to play the Dodgers. Several key factors set the stage for the Cardinals' strike talk. St. Louis boasted one of the largest contingents of southern players in the National League. St. Louis was the home of Sporting News, the self-styled bible of baseball, which had previously been against integration. The Cardinals and Dodgers were two of the preeminent teams of the '40s, with a strong rivalry that generated great enmity. And the Dodger manager, Leo Durocher, previously played for the Cardinals, starring on their great 1930s "Gashouse Gang" teams. Even worse, the Dodger general manager, Branch Rickey, used to be the general manager of the Cardinals.

Back in 1917, the Cardinals were a second class team in their own town, trailing the St. Louis Browns in revenue and popularity. Branch Rickey took over as General Manager that year and built the Cardinals into the greatest team in the National League with his innovative minor league farm system. But in 1942, after a falling out with Cardinal President Sam Breadon over his contract renewal (apparently the two had a cool relationship over the years, though with mutual respect), Rickey jumped to Brooklyn, leaving St. Louis behind (Rickey apparently was particularly upset that his contract had not been renewed even though his Cardinals had beat the Yankees and won the World Series that season). The chasm between the Dodgers and Cardinals was deep and wide. Jackie Robinson was not just Dodger black, he was also Dodger blue, in the face of Cardinal anger, a Cardinal red ember.

On May 9, New York Herald Tribune writer Stanley Woodward let the baseball world know about a threatened Cardinals player strike against the Dodgers. According to Woodward, Sam Breadon was having none of it. He flew to Manhattan for an audience with National League President Ford Frick. When the meeting ended, Frick told Breadon that the would-be strikers should remember this:

"If you [strike], you will be suspended from the league. You will find that the friends you think you have in the press box will not support you. You will be outcasts. I do not care if half the league strikes. Those who do it will encounter quick retribution. All will be suspended and I don't care if it wrecks the National League for five years. This is the United States of America and one citizen has as much right to play as another.... You will find if you go through with your intention that you have been guilty of complete madness."

Woodward's story may have encouraged other team owners to pressure their players to not strike as well.

The Cardinals and the legendary St. Louis sportswriter were aghast at these accusations, arguing that while there was grumbling among a few Cardinals players, nothing had approached the level of angst described by Woodward.

What was Musial's take on the affair? He apparently confided to another Tribune writer, Roger Kahn, that the Robinson talk amongst the Cardinals was "rough and racial," but nothing worse occurred. Musial also denied the existence of any strike vote. Decades later, at a mid-90s St. Louis event promoting one of Kahn's books, Musial bizarrely found himself seated between Kahn and Broeg, who argued vehemently over the degree of anti-Robinson Cardinal fervor. Musial tried to stay above it all, but in 1997, at an event honoring the 50th anniversary of Robinson breaking the baseball color barrier, Musial argued that the Cardinals never even discussed a strike. Giglio was not so sure, and openly wonders if Musial made that statement so as not to embarrass many of his southern teammates who ended up on the wrong side of history. Regardless, Musial did tell Kahn that "he had no trouble with integration," and took the time to honor Robinson.

Despite Musial's respect for Robinson, Musial paid the price for Robinson's detractors. If a Cardinal pitcher deliberately threw at Robinson, then Durocher ordered the Dodger pitcher to retaliate by throwing at Musial. When Musial complained, Durocher apparently said, "You're the best man I know on the Cardinals. For every time [Robinson] gets one, it looks to me like you're gonna get two." Durocher felt that this kind of retaliation stopped the Cardinals cold from hurting Robinson. Cardinal manager Eddie Dyer at the time may have helped to eventually convince his players to treat Robinson fairly, as Robinson remembered his first visit to the Cardinals' stadium, Sportsman's Park, where Dyer stopped Robinson in full view of the Cardinals and said, "he was glad to see me and that he wished me luck."

Robinson said that "Musial always treated me with courtesy." In one game, enraged after being spiked by the Cardinal outfielder Enos Slaughter, Musial heard Robinson say how badly he wanted revenge. Musial allegedly told him, "I don't blame you. You have every right to do so."

Thinking about our rights is perhaps the most fitting way to end this story. The underpinning of our entire economy and way of life is embodied by the concept of a contract, a deal struck between two parties, one desiring nothing more than the meritorious services of the other, and that other desiring nothing more than a chance to ply a trade, whether to work in a coal mine, wait tables, run a major corporation, or even play baseball. When you strike a deal with someone, you generally expect it to be met, your expectations realized, and your rights fulfilled. Robinson's breakthrough season represents the true attainment of this contract right, as he fulfilled his dream to play Major League Baseball, no matter who tried to preclude his Dodger dealings.

In this vein, 1947 dissolves into 2009, leaving us with just Musial and Pujols, sitting in a car, gliding through a stadium, embraced by the Cardinal faithful, happy but perhaps unaware of the racial tensions that would make such a noble gathering inconceivable many years ago.

(This article relies on James Giglio's excellent coverage in "Musial: From Stash to Stan the Man")

Tennis Wiener Stadthalle Andreas Haider-Maurer

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Andreas Haider-Maurer in der ersten Qualifikationsrunde bei der Bank Austria Tennis Trophy 2010! Das war erst der Beginn!!!!!!!!

Classic Game Room - SEGA SPORTS DREAMCAST review

Monday, February 21, 2011

Classic Game Room reviews the SEGA SPORTS DREAMCAST which sports a matte black finish and Sega Sports logo but is otherwise identical to the standard, more common light grey model. For those looking for a Sega Dreamcast with a different look, black controller and exclusive style comes the Sega Sports Dreamcast. While not rare, prices are typically higher than the standard models but not outrageous like some of the "Special Edition" Dreamcasts. The Sports Edition Dreamcast looks more like a Sega Saturn and may be better suited for equipment racks where other pieces of gear are black in color. This Classic Game Room video review of the Sega Sports Dreamcast features the black Sega Dreamcast videogame console and shows off the system details as well as the matching Sega Sports Dreamcast controller.

Ronaldinho vs C.Ronaldo vs Messi¤Gods of Football 2010

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cristiano Ronaldo Season 2009-2010 in Real Madrid. The story so far from C.Ronaldo. Can't Be Touched. Real Madrid vs Zaragoza 6:0 Real Madrid VS Barcelona 2009 *El Classico* Ibrahimovic Goal 1:0 Goal Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid Olympic Marseille Score Free Kick 08.12.09 Champions League 12/8/09 8/12/09 Juventus Turin vs Bayern 12/8/09 All Goals Highlights HD Real Madrid vs Almeira 4: 2 All Higlights Goals Real Madrid vs Marseille 3-0 Real Madrid vs AC Milan (2-3) All Goals & Highlights Espa?a vs Argentina *14/11/2009* Amistoso "Goals & Highlights" Road To World Cup 2010 South Africa Play Off Games 14/11/09 and 11/14/09 Portugal vs Bosnia and Herzigowina All Goals Bundesliga , Primera Division Live Stream Liverpool vs Arsenal London All Goals & Higlights HD Manchester United vs Manchester City [9/20/2009] Highlights Juventus vs Bordeaux (1:1) 15/9/2009 UEFA Champions League . Chelsea Vs Porto 1-0 (Goal & Highlights) 15.09.2009 Cristiano Ronaldo (CR94€) - The new player of Real Madrid CF - [NEW2009] Real Madrid 4-0 Rosenborg (24-08-2009) - Benzema(2), credits to KiLLuMiNaTiiX Lass Diarra & Raul Goals 6/7/2009 06/07/2009 FC Barcelona 2-0 Manchester 27/05/2009 - C. Ronaldo vs L. Messi 2008/09 - *Champions League FINAL* Manchester United vs Manchester City Derby - Arsenal vs Chelsea Liverpool vs West Ham Valencia CF vs Real Madrid CF KiLLuMiNaTiiX FC Barcelona vs Villarreal CF 09/05/2009 28/06/2009 Final Conferedations cup copa confederaciones 2009 USA 2-3 BRAZIL 10/05/2009 ...

The Annie Duke Show - Jon Landau, Producer of Titanic and Avatar with Jim Cooper, Executive editor of Adweek

Saturday, February 19, 2011

This week Annie is joined by film producer Jon Landau, who produced two of the biggest blockbusters of all time, Titanic and Avatar. They discuss going over budget and defying your critics while creating some of the most memorable cinematic moments in history. In the second part of the show we are breaking down the super Bowl commercials, the good, the bad and the ugly as Annie and Jon are joined by the executive editor of AdWeek, Jim Cooper. If a Poker pro, oscar winner and commercial expert can't figure out what you're selling then you must be doing something wrong. Join the discussion and check out all this and more on the Annie Duke Show.For more information, show notes and an upcoming schedule, go to

Has Recruiting Ruined Youth Football?

Friday, February 18, 2011


Recruiting Has Gone Mad in Youth Football

The private coaches/team clinics I do all across the country for youth football teams are interesting to say the least. Many of the coaches share thought provoking stories of their teams, leagues and opponents. While I always enjoy working with the coaches and kids, what I enjoy most is going out to dinner with the coaches after we get done and just listening to these stories, sharing a few laughs and learning about the nuances of how things are done in their neck of the woods. The trip I’m speaking of and the story you are about to hear made me laugh so hard I think the waitress and patrons thought I was having some kind of attack or maybe had choked on some food and needed the Hymlich Maneuver.

A fairly recent trip showed me the extent youth football coaches will go to put a winner on the football field. I’ve been coaching youth football for about 15 years and coached in 3 different organizations in 3 different towns in 7 different leagues. I’ve been to football clinics from California to Florida and talked with literally thousands of youth football coaches, I thought I had heard it all, but this story takes the cake. During a very tasty dinner at a local restaurant, coach shared with me a rather amazing story about the extent one youth football coach in his league went to so his team could maintain their dominance in the league. Many competitive youth football teams have to recruit players every year to get enough kids to put together a team or teams. While it is a necessity for most, it is a year-round obsession for others and for some they go off the deep end.

This story starts out with a very big and fast running back that moves from the local area his team is in, to a town right at an hour away. This new town mind you is a hotbed for youth football and has plenty of quality teams the boy can play for. But instead of playing for a team in his new home and making new friends, the player continues to play for his old team over an hour away. In addition to this wackiness, the coach drives the hour to pick him up every Friday, has him sleep at his home and then drives him back home after the game on Saturday. This coach logs 4 hours of drive time every weekend so this player can play on his youth football team. Is it just me or does this sound lame to anyone?

To have such little confidence in your team and coaching abilities that you would spend 4 hours driving every weekend to pick up a kid to “carry” your team is just weak in my mind. This kid only came to games, he did not practice with his team during the week. Why not play a local kid, coach everyone up and make due with the team you have? What kind of message is this sending to this teams players and to this “superstar”? You guys can’t win without the star, football is a one man game, you don’t have to practice to play, teamwork counts for nothing etc etc. A good coach adapts and will figure out a way to compete with the hand that was dealt him, not rely on one superstar to carry his youth football team. This came from an organization that dominates this youth football league. But a coach this desperate for wins is vulnerable, obviously he doesn’t think much of his coaching ability and thinks talent is all that matters in youth football. What’s next, flying kids in for games?

This same "coach" often tries to pull the rug out from under the teams in his league. My friend learned this the hard way, this opposing coach actually showed up at the homes of several of his players to convince their mothers to come play football for his team. This coach actually drives by my friends practice field, goes into the neighborhood to ask where the kids live and shows up on their doorsteps with his song and dance about playing football for him. Fortunately for my friend, his players and parents just adore him so the only thing generated from these escapades in an immediate phone call from mom to my friend to report the shenannigans. This "coach" even had the audacity to "be in the neighborhood" when my friend put on his team barbeque, he even stopped by to say hello and talk some football. My friend is more patient with this person than I might have been.

While recruiting is necessary in youth football, it can be overemphasized to the detriment of the program. Many youth football coaches mistakenly think they HAVE to have the best players to win championships. When their teams lose games they often look at personnel as the reason they lost rather than looking at schemes to counter the other teams personnel or improving their own team. Good coaches concentrate their effrots on working on the aspects of the game they can control. Blaming losses on personnel mismatches frees the youth coach of personal blame, (he can't control the talent levels of the other team) while in reality no youth football team should allow one player to beat them. Recruiting star players or driving 4 hours to pick one up every weekend are shortcuts to success, it is the easy way out. Good coaches put the time in to become better coaches so they don't need star players to win or have to cut corners and make accomodations for "star" players.

In youth football I see less talented teams competing and beating much better teams every week. I see this in our league as well as in every league I’ve ever coached in and in the regional and national tournaments I’ve gone to. I see it in the tapes and DVDs people send me every week. Good coaching nearly every time trumps talent in youth football. Now I’m not saying the weakest team can win it all, But the weakest of teams if coached well can compete and finish .500. The average talent team can vie for and even win league titles with good coaching. Meanwhile the best talented teams and poorly coached teams don’t always win it all and can in fact end up to be a .500 team.

If recruiting is allowed in your youth football league, most often you need to recruit. But don’t obsess over it and don’t get down if you don’t recruit the monsters of the midway. My most satisfying seasons were by far the ones we clearly had very little size or talent, yet came together and played very well. Nearly all well coached youth football teams can compete if they have the right priorities, scheme and well defined vision for success and if you have average talent you can even win championships.

Click here to sign up for Dave’s free youth football coaching newsletter filled with great football coaching tips:
Youth Football [] exo pour le service au tennis

Thursday, February 17, 2011 exercice de tennis pour améliorer la poussée des jambes au service.

Nike Signature Moves: Deron Williams (Walkthrough)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

nike signature moves featuring dwill

Allen Iverson 54 pts vs Toronto Raptors 2001 NBA Playoff Gm2

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In 2001 NBA Playoff Series, the Philadelphia 76ers vs the Toronto Raptors. Iverson Scored 54 points against the Slam Dunk Expert Vince Carter. Here is the Highlight of the Game 2. Allen Iverson Kobe Bryant Tracy Mcgrady Vince Carter Dwyane Wade Shaq O'Neal Gilbert Arenas Tim Duncan...

Jason Manford - Live at the Apollo [Part 1/2]

Monday, February 14, 2011

Broadcast Monday 12th November 2007 Part 2:

D-Rose's jaw dropping one handed alley oop

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Derrick Rose ignites the Bulls fast break that ends with Ronnie Brewer tossing the alley oop to Derrick Rose who throws it down with one hand.

Wilson BLX Feel More 2 Roger Federer Outtakes and Tennis Bloopers- Behind the scenes of Wilson ad

Friday, February 11, 2011

Behind the scenes look at Roger Federer's Wilson Tennis commercial. Being a tennis superstar/actor is not easy! Roger Federer wants you to feel more with Wilson BLX tennis racket. Feel More. More Feel with Wilson BLX


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fally Ipupa : Des négociations en cours pour Bercy §1 Saturday, 22.05.2010 A Bercy, on ne veut plus de concerts qui vont jusquau matin comme dans les habitudes des Congolais. Mais, lObstacle, pensé-t-on dans l'entourage de Dicap « La Merveille » nest infranchissable. Sil a lieu, le concert de Bercy marquera pour Fally Ipupa une envolée décisive. Mettre la barre toujours plus haut, tutoyer les hauts lieux de la musique à travers le monde, cest le défi que sest désormais donne le chanteur Fally Ipupa, sur tout pour lannée 2010. Cest dans ce cadre quil convient de .situer I~ production quil envisage de livrer au Palais Omnisport Bercy de Paris. Les négociations sont déjà en cours entre le producteur de Dicaprio et la direction de la grande salle de Bercy. La pierre dachoppement reste encore le temps que devra prendre le concert~, principalement lheure du début et de sa fin. Fally Ipupa à la conquête des pays africains Grâce au succès des chansons de ses deux albums « Arsenal de belles mélodies » et « Droit chemin », Fally Ipupa a toujours le vent en poupe et est très sollicité. Fally Ipupa est sollicité pour entreprendre une grande tournée africaine en commençant par le Togo. Présentement, personne ne peut mettre en doute le succès de Fally Iupa qui a déjà franchi les frontières nationales. Ce chanteur avec deux albums à son actif a reçu beaucoup de mérites et a bénéficié aussi sur le plan matériel ainsi que sur les relations professionnelles. Dicap « La Merveille » est ...

Usain Bolt beats Gay and sets new Record - from Universal Sports

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 2009, Berlin, Germany, IAAF World Championship Track and Field, Tyson Gay finally challenged Usain Bolt in the 100m and took second, Bolt broke his Olympic record to win at 9.58 seconds, Powell took third. (Universal Sports,

NBA TV Top 5: February 7th

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

NBA's Top 5 Plays for February 7th, 2011, featuring Sasha Pavlovic, Derrick Rose, Rudy Fernandez, and Raja Bell. Visit for more highlights.

2006 Tennis Masters Cup Final - Roger Federer Vs James Blake

Monday, February 7, 2011

Roger Federer of Switzerland faces James Blake of United States of America in 2006 Tennis Masters Cup Final

Galil Golani 5.56x45mm Rifle

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Galil Golani 5.56x45mm Rifle

No sports - Two times a minute

Saturday, February 5, 2011

No sports - Two times a minute Artist: No sports Title: Two times a minute Country: Germany SKA!

Glasgow & West - Monday, December 20, 2010

Friday, February 4, 2011

Top story: The case against Sheridan. The prosecution sums up, telling the jury our whole justice system falls apart if perjury is acceptable behaviour. In other news, a pedestrian hit in the same road tragedy that killed two young students tells of his horror; the latest on christmas travel misery for thousands; and, in sport, after another postponed game, Walter Smith tells the SPL you can't extend the season. This is an international version of the news which may have been edited for rights reasons.

HD - ESPN College Football Images of the Decade 2000-2009

Thursday, February 3, 2011

ESPN's NCAA Football Images of the Decade Recapping all of the great moments in college football from 2000-2009. Created and owned by ESPN (

The History of the Major League Baseball Playoffs

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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The Major League Baseball Playoffs have been around since 1969.

The Playoffs were created because the American League and National League both split into eastern and western divisions. This meant that post season games between the two division champions were required to determine the pennant winner...and so the Major League Baseball Playoffs were born!

In 1994, the playoff system changed as each league was split into three divisions and a four team Major League Baseball playoff was created. However, the new MLB playoff system did not take place until 1995, as the 1994 season was never completed because of a player strike.

Since then, eight teams make the Major League Baseball playoffs. Four from both the American League and the National League.

In addition to the three division champions, the fourth team to be entered into the MLB playoffs is known as a wildcard. The wildcard team is the second place team with the best won-loss record.

After the 162 game season is over, the MLB Playoffs begin. This is usually in the first full week of October.

The first round of the MLB playoffs is the Division Series. This is a five game series that sees the top four teams in each league match up with each other.

The winners of the Division Series then advance to the seven game American League and National League Championship Series.

The winners of the ALCS and NLCS advance to the World Series.

I couldn't imagine baseball without having the MLB Playoffs, but this was the norm before 1969. In my opinion, the playoffs give an added boost to the already exciting atmosphere that the game of baseball creates...who knows what changes may occur to the rules of the Major League Baseball Playoffs in the future...I guess only time will tell!

Find a Job in Major League Baseball - 7 Skills That Are Needed to Work in Sports

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Looking to break into a career in Major League Baseball? Jobs in professional sports have become very competitive and limited, and Major League Baseball is no exception. Here are the top seven skills you must possess in order to work in Major League Baseball:

1. Communication Skills

Good communication skills are the most important and effective way to score a job in Major League Baseball. Verbal and written communication will play a massive role in your career. The way you speak, write, and listen are all observed by employers, and should be your best asset.

2. Organization Skills

Organization skills are a fundamental to life. A career in the MLB may be fast-paced, therefore this is very important because it deals with your ability to design, plan, organize, and implement projects and tasks within an allotted time frame. You may be on the road, and must be able to keep and follow a schedule without someone telling you to do so.

3. Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are very significant in working in Major League Baseball. This is how people relate to one another. Interpersonal skills are often used in business context to refer to the measure of a person's ability to operate within business organizations, through social communication, and interactions. The ability to relate to your co-workers, inspire others to participate, and mitigate conflict with co-workers is essential given the amount of time spent at work each day.

4. Professionalism

Many people think that working in Major League Baseball will be all fun and games. This however, is not the case. Major League Baseball, the teams, and venues are very serious about their organization. They expect their employees to be completely professional and serious. Remember that you are an employee first, fan second.

5. "Team Player"

Working in the MLB can get very busy, especially in season. There will be occasions when you will be asked to complete jobs or tasks outside of your specific area. A "Team Player" has a positive attitude, and is willing to work in all areas to benefit the whole team. A "Team Player" also has the willingness to make and learn from mistakes, and take direction from the staff.

6. Knowledge of Baseball

Having a strong knowledge and passion for baseball can be very critical in obtaining a career in the MLB. Depending on what area you are trying to specialize in, having solid knowledge of the game can be very important. You must understand the game and how it is played in order to be successful. Major League Baseball has the longest running regular season at 162 games. This means; if you are required to show up at every home game, you will be at the ball park over 80 times. If you are not passionate about baseball, you might not make it.

7. Willingness to Travel

Lastly, but certainly not least, is your willingness and enthusiasm to travel. Because there are so many games and teams all over the country, you may be required to travel. The ability and interest to travel is what will set you apart from the other candidates that can only remain locally. You will receive many more opportunities if you have the willingness and enthusiasm to travel.

Obtaining a career in Major League Baseball may be very challenging. However, if you can master these top seven skills that Major League Baseball is looking for, you should be well on your way to having a career in the MLB.

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